(Editor's note: This is the latest in a series of season evaluations based on power ranking trends. At the end, each manager will be given a final determination of overachiever, underachiever or expected achiever.)
Well, well, well. Mr. Mike, how ya doin today? Eating some crow, I'm sure.
All preseason, you babbled about how ridiculous your No. 8 preseason ranking was. In fact, here's what you had to say, word for word: "8th? You nuts." (Notice that last part was a statement not a question). "Clearly proving that wrong, that's silly."
Then I proceeded to tell you I thought your pitching sucked - "Verlander, Harden and Wang are all question marks," I said, also pointing out the latter two are "huuuuuge ifs." As Meatloaf said, two outta three ain't bad. Your pitching actually was decent - by the end of the year, when it was wayyy too little, too late.
"Well I'll be 1 this year, and 1 at beginning of next year," you proclaimed.
Ohhhhhh Mikey, how wrong you were and how right I was! Your complete trashing after the jump.
Judging by your graph, you peaked very early. At that point, you were giddy because you thought you had the best team in the league.
But in the middle of the season, you plunged faster than the FreeFall ride at Six Flags. You even got a last-place ranking one week after a loss to Richie. Luckily for you, your team did dramatically improve heading into the offseason thanks to some deadline dealing.
However, is Tim Lincecum worth giving up a draft pick?
I had you as the preseason No. 8 and, shocker!, that's right where you finished. Face it, I can sense bad teams when I see them. Let's hope next year is no different.
Final evaluation: Expected achiever
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