Wednesday, March 30, 2016

How the new waiver and FAAB system works

Here is a Q&A on how the new waiver and FAAB system works:

Q: What's different?
A: A lot. In the past, you used to either A) Pick up a free agent and get him immediately on tomorrow's roster; or B) Bid on someone on waivers and get him when the waiver claim period ends if you win the high bid. Now, we are in essence bidding on every player, no matter whether they are a free agent or were cut by another team. Every unowned player will show up as on waivers.

Q: Is there a 2-day waiting period still then?
A: No. There is no waiting period now, meaning if you pick someone up today, the waiver will process overnight and you will be able to use that player in your lineup tomorrow.

Q: Did the max moves change?
A: No. We are still limited to 3 moves a week and 50 moves per year.

Q: How does the bidding work?
A: You get $200 in FAAB fake money to bid on unowned players. You go to pick up a player as normal, except this time you will be asked to place a bid, anywhere from $0 to $200. Then it will be processed as a waiver bid, and you will go up against anyone else who bid on that same player. If you have the high bid, you get that player tomorrow. So if I bid on an unowned player Monday and win the bid, I get him Tuesday morning and can use him in my Tuesday lineup.

Q: So you're saying I won't know if I get the guy I am trying to pick up until the next day?
A: Correct.

Q: Can I bid $0?
A: Yes. If no one else puts a bid on, you would get that player.

Q: Can I bid fractions, such as $1.01, to try and make my bid higher?
A: According to Yahoo!, yes: "The FAAB system charges you the exact amount you bid if your bid is successful."

Q: How are ties broken?
A: By the waiver order, as seen on the Standings section (it begins with reverse draft order).

Q: Does my waiver priority go to 12 every time I make a move?
A: According to Yahoo!, no. "The waiver priority will only change if 2 or more managers bid the same exact dollar amount on the same player."

Q: What happens if I run out of my FAAB money?
A: You have to bid $0 on every player the rest of the year.

If you have any more questions, let me know and I will try to answer them.

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