Monday, April 12, 2010

Week 1 Power Rankings

Here are this week's KLS4 Power Rankings. As always, this is a subjective process, and there isn't any formula used to determine the rankings.

All complaints should be sent to the Commissioner's office of the league. Team record follows the slash, and previous week's ranking in parenthesis.

1. Fireballs 10/1-0 (2) - What will Rick do when he loses Albert Pujols after this season?

2. Bronx Bombers/1-0 (4) - Chris hits .312/.890 and still complains about his offense.

3. Snooki Punch/1-0 (5) - Ryan Howard starts off hot for once, and so does Andy.

4. Smutt Peddlers 5/1-0 (7) - Joe does what he couldn't do about seven months ago in beating Bob.

5. Cole Miners/0-1 (1) - A rough start, but we won't punish the top-ranked team too much...yet.

6. Phightin Sillies/1-0 (12) - Prove it wasn't a fluke and Adam will shoot up these rankings next week.

7. Billy Ball/0-1 (3) - In a miserable opening week, there weren't many positives to take out of it.

8. Time to Mo Vaughn/1-0 (10) - A fruit basket is being sent to the Hoffman house as we speak.

9. Manager of the Year/0-1 (8) - It could be a long season for Mike...

10. Rebuilding Year Ova!/0-1 (7) - I'll wait a few more weeks before I make a joke off the team name.

11. Turd n the punchbowl/0-1 (10) - Was never even close, starting from the beginning of the week.

12. Charlie Murphy!/0-1 (12) - I expect Doc to single-handily win Hal a couple matches this year.

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