Monday, April 12, 2010

Reviewing my weekend predictions

I almost nailed these to a T. Much better than my Week 1 matchup predictions, that's for sure.

So, let's review.

1. Bob will keep his yap shut.
Correct. Bob didn't say anything after his "easy win" declaration prior to Week 1. Joe ended up winning.

2. There will be a tie.
Incorrect, although if not for a Trevor Hoffman meltdown, I woulda hit it.

3. There will not be a shocking upset.
Incorrect. Adam kicked Jack's ass, and Hal was extremely close to beating Andy.

4. Someone will stiff on Saturday night.
Correct. Bob proved me right, snagging Tom Gorzellany on Saturday night.

5. Chris will end up with the biggest win margin.
Correct, although Adam beat Jack by the same margin. Still, it's correct.

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