But, what would a post-game loss be without some ranting from the King of Sogs? In an absolute cocky rant that will undoubtedly be shown on highlight reels for years to come, Chris went off.
Asked a few basic questions about the loss, Chris instead blasted everyone else in the league.
I won't even try to put this into a story. I'm just going to list the manager's name and the parting shot Chris left.
To the league: "I've made the finals two out of the four years this league has existed. Besides (Joe and Bob), no one else has accomplished this.Step up sonnnnnnnnn(s)!"
To Bob: "I hope (winning the title) is the last thing you have to be excited about this 2010 MLB season. Good win though."
To Mike: "For the love of God, new team name next year man, quit lying to yourself."
To Dave: "New year's resolution: Have an above .500 team, yea!!!!"
To Joe: "Wanna trade me an MVP candidate next year?"
To Shea: "If we give you Albert, Hanley, Utley, Wright and CC, do you think you could make the playoffs?"
To Andy: "When you say jump, how high do Mike and Joe jump? Here's a thought: How about you try getting through the season without using your Yiddish mind control and brainwashing your minions into getting your team to the playoffs for you?"
To Hal: "Didn't you get the memo? There were playoffs after the regular season ended."
To Jack: "Too bad Tulowitzki went on that tear after you were eliminated, eh?"
To Rick: "Not so tough without big bad Luke Gregerson on your team, are ya?"
To Ken: "What is worse? Being a fan of the Mets or being a fan of your team?"
To Adam: "Maybe you should just let the computer draft your teams from this point on..."
i forgot to add this in there, Disclaimer: all quotes were said in good fun, no hard feelings... for anyone who may get upset.