Monday, July 25, 2011

Week 16 Power Rankings

Here are this week's KLS5 Power Rankings. As always, this is a subjective process, and there isn't any specific formula used to determine the rankings.

All complaints should be sent to the commissioner. Team record in parenthesis, and previous week's ranking follows the slash.

1. Cole Miners (11-5) / 3 - You say "Veto!" Bob says "No problemo!" and tacks on another win.

2. Billy Ball (9-5-2) / 4 - Jack could very well win the division but will still bemoan trading injured asset David Wright.

3. Bernie Madoff (10-5-1) / 1 - Mike went to bed having nightmares over Drew Stubbs, who turned an 11-7 lead at 11 p.m. into a 10-9 loss at 11:01 p.m.

4. Smutt Peddlers 5 (10-5-1) / 2 - Tough loss for Joe, but now he gets FOUR straight weeks of teams with a .500 record or lower.

5. DUIs & MRIs (8-8) / 7 - Shea keeps pace with the brutal Twitter Division race by knocking off Andy and his silly guarantees.

6. Minnesota Twins (9-7) / 8 - Yeah, Chris won big. But would anyone be surprised if he found something about his team to bitch about?

7. MismatchMyAss (8-8) / 5 - And just when I had my hopes up for Adam...he can't come up with the win that would have made everyone a believer.

8. Draft wasn't Wed (7-8-1) / 9 - Reports are Dave didn't cheer and instead stayed quiet after Stubbs won the matchup on a walk-off homer.

9. Turd n the punchbowl (8-7-1) / 6 - Ken so caught up in trades that he forgot he actually had to manage his team, even against Rick.

10. Charlene Murphy? (6-10) / 10 - With Hal now pretty secure in having third worse record, it will be interesting to see if he ends up making a move before trade deadline.

11. All I Do Is Lose (4-12) / 11 - Props to Andy for giving his fans some immediate hope in the future during a truly ugly season.

12. Fireballs (2-12-2) / 12 - The losing streak is over! Sound the trumpets!


  1. Mike Yiannakou

    God I hate you Drew Stubbs.

    But its ok, I get a week off with my matchup vs Kents joke of a team. Ohhhh shitttt. Its rivalry week, what do you expect Kent.
