Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Which league manager is most likely to pull an Ozzie Guillen?

Ozzie Guillen was suspended five games for his incredibly moronic comments about Fidel Castro. (Me typing that sentence undoubtedly is going to lead to spam comments from people searching for Ozzie news on Google, just watch).

That got me thinking: Which of our managers would be most likely to make a similar comment, leading to backtracking and feet in the mouth?

The results after the jump.

Chris - The far and away odds-on favorite, as every other sentence out of his mouth seems to be some kind of insult hurled at a group of people. (Adam, Andy and Hal are nodding in approval as they read this.)

Ken - Recent smack talk on Week 1 matchup page puts him on the board here.

Jack - Don't think so? Just wait till the Democratic National Convention. Watch out, Charlotte.

Hal - Remember his Magic Johnson comment last year?

Rick - Only after a couple cocktails.

Dave - Just kidding.

Who do you think would make the list? Tell us in the comments section below.


  1. I would have to give Chris the lead on this one... however if its cutting season and I'm jacked up on supplements there is no telling what could come out of my mouth

  2. I should be safe unless the topic is the moron at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave or the Big 10 Wonder.

  3. Yea this one is kind of a slam dunk ... but hey, at least I don't discriminate and spread the love amongst all groups.

  4. Let the record state that I was in fact nodding in approval while reading this. Chris McGann far and away the favorite.

    Great call on the Magic comment. It would be a sin to forget such a sick burn.
