Sunday, May 22, 2011

Shea guarantees victory vs. Chris in Week 8

We aren't even finished with Week 7 - in fact as of this moment, there's still three or four matchups to be decided - but Shea has made a bold statement.

"I GUARANTEE VICTORY NEXT WEEK," he enthusiastically said.

Shea faces Chris, just two weeks after their inclusion in a three-way blockbuster trade. And Shea will get Justin Verlander starting twice. Maybe that's part of the confidence.

Either way, this is an incredibly bold move by Shea, who has fallen below .500 after consecutive losses. We'll have to wait to see whether Chris chooses to respond.

1 comment:

  1. Bold, and likely uninformed statement. Not only will Shea lose, but the matchup will be wrapped up before Sunday's games even begin.
