Monday, April 29, 2013

Week 4 Power Rankings

Here are this week's KLS7 Power Rankings. As always, this is a subjective process, and there isn't any specific formula used to determine the rankings.

All complaints should be sent to the commissioner. Team record in parenthesis, and previous week's ranking follows the slash.

1. Goldschmember (4-0) / 1 - Absolutely dominating month of April for Chris. Three of his four matchups over by the weekend; combined score: 55-20.

2. Cole Miners (3-1) / 2 - It didn't end up mattering, but completely bizarre managing by Bob on Fri/Sat. He benched four SPs: 3 W, 1 L, CG, 29 IP, 28 K, 4 BB.

3. Ahh Herro-o (3-1) / 3 - David Ortiz is in beast mode, but yet again the rest of Dave's offense stalls. Record is nice, but Dave may be a bit concerned.

4. Nyjer Please (2-2) / 5 - One week after becoming first to lose 10 vs. an opponent, Mike joins the club with his 10th win all time vs. Rick.

5. Backdoor Slider (2-2) / 8 - Ken has to be licking his chops at upcoming schedule: Opponents the next four weeks have combined record of 4-12.

6. Suck Peddlers (2-2) / 11 - Huge week for Joe: He wins a squeaker and everyone else in the division loses.

7. Los Pollos Hermanos (2-2) / 4 - Andy's team name translates to The Chicken Brothers, but his team is just plain Chicken Shit.

8. What A Joke (1-3) / 6 - Brutal loss by Adam, second week in a row on a Sunday night. He lost RBI by 1, AVG by 1, IP by 0.1.

9. Billy Ball (1-3) / 9 - After an absolutely dismal April, Jack just 2 GB first place and has only played one division game.

10. The Wrong Stuff (1-3) / 12 - May not be a stretch to say Hal's next three games vs. wildcard-likely competitors will decide his season. 1-2 or 0-3? Kiss it goodbye.

11. Give Sosa a Chance! (2-2) / 7 - Shea's next brilliant guarantee? Atheism to become #1 religion in U.S. by 2014.

12. Fireballs (1-3) / 10 - Fun, new idea for Rick this year. Add an "L" to team name for every loss. Prediction: Fireballllllllllllllls by year's end.


  1. Did you see my matchup? The only way I could have come close was if I took Losses, BB, ERA and WHIP and my WHIP was at 1.06 and was already at the min IP with a 3-1 record, so I took the conservative approach and benched my pitchers and waiting on Ken to pass me in walks. It didn't matter either way as my hitting was atrocious and kept me out of it altogether.

  2. By the way Atheism is essentially the lack of religion, so how could be #1 haha, another brilliant guarantee indeed

  3. @first comment - i did see it, and i still didn't understand it.
    A) you didn't bench your relievers, so that part about WHIP is somewhat confusing because it could skyrocket with a couple bad appearances due to the low innings as you mentioned. wasn't ERA also pretty close going into friday night? if so, same deal re: relievers skyrocketing it.
    B) why couldn't you sub Ks and IPs for Ls and BBs, worst case scenario, as takeable categories? at worst, you lose Ls and BBs but take Ks and IPs, right?. at best, you take all 4.
    C) you made it seem as if he had a big SP advantage on you the rest of the weekend when i asked you, but when i looked, i believe you each had the same amount of SP remaining at beginning of day friday.

    @second comment - not sure if that was a swipe at my zinger, but part of the joke was that atheism is the lack of a religion...

  4. A) I didn't bench relievers bc saves were tied and also my relievers haven't been letting up a lot of baserunners
    B) I guess I could have but then my WHIP and ERA would have been at risk, as I said I took the conservative approach since the only thing I seemingly had to gain was CGs
    C) We did have the same, but you're missing the point that I wanted to conserve my WHIP and ERA, at one point over the weekend I had a 1.06 WHIP vs. 1.08 or something like that

    It's really all a moot point because I would have lost either way, I was just presenting what I was thinking at the timme

    2nd) I was making fun of Shea not you haha
