Four weeks into the season he has had enough. His team is bad, his players are injured like usual, and he's been blown out of matchups.
After reading this week's power rankings, Jack questioned my decision of his placement at the 9 spot.
This is nothing new. I often field complaints from managers. But, I can't ever recall a manager contacting me saying I ranked him too high.
"I saw the rankings. How the hell is my pathetic group not last?" Jack said. "They hit under .200 as much as Andrew Bynum goes bowling for God's sake. I feel like Doug Moe who once said he didn't call a timeout the entire second half of a game when he coached the Sixers because they sucked so bad he didn't want to speak with them.
"We deserve last place ranking at this point. We suck until we prove differently. Please reconsider. We couldn't beat a team of 8th grade girls at this point. Totally disgusting."
When told these comments would be printed, Jack quickly responded: "Feel free. They suck and deserve to be outed for the frauds they are."
A meltdown, indeed.
We have yet to receive word from any of the players whom Jack, the manager who drafted them, insulted.
ReplyDeleteI was quoted properly and do not have any issue with the content of this post. That said, I do not think it is a meltdown. I believe I am grounded in fact with my utter displeasure with his bunch.
What is up with the picture? We are Billy Ball not Bobby Ball. Can you kindly post a picture of Billy Martin (my favorite Yankee Manager of all time) with this blog post? He would totally approve of the content and he would probably think I am going too easy on this team of frauds.
- Jack
The damn media always likes the tabloid headlines, don't they?
ReplyDeleteWe actually did a Google Image search for "Billy Ball" before this post went up, but the results yielded us a bunch of these small, yellow flowers: https://www.google.com/search?q=billy+ball&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=T2qAUezmOZWp4AO7wYHQDw&biw=1280&bih=546&sei=UmqAUbmpBrOp4AOa2YHgBA
Kind of symbolic of the Billy Ball team's play, though.
Yellow flowers would kick this pathetic group's ass.
ReplyDeleteAlmost as good as this rant...
ReplyDeleteI am speechless. The author of that is off the charts, would probably make a great sales manager.