Wednesday, May 29, 2013

FAAB spending - major fails so far

Couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Shea slap down an Andrew Jackson on Josh Johnson, and that seems to be the reaction I've had a lot this year when a manager has used the FAAB waiver claim.

So, let's just take a look and see exactly how each FAAB has fared thus far. After the jump, check out the spiffy table I made that breaks it all down.

5/28 Shea Josh Johnson $20 TBD
5/10 Bob Brett Anderson $20 Still on DL after setback and reinjury
5/1 Bob Wil Myers $20 Has not been called up to majors yet
4/26 Chris Corey Hart $10 Still on DL; hasn't played yet
4/17 Rick Dan Haren $11 3-4, 4.60 ERA, 1.16 WHIP since purchase
4/9 Ken Michael Young $21 .242 BA, .647 OPS, 1 HR, 8 RBI since purchase
3/27 Hal Shelby Miller $5 5-3, 2.02 ERA, 0.98 WHIP since purchase
3/27 Ken Paul Maholm $6 6-4, 3.74 ERA, 1.28 WHIP since purchase

So, what do we make of this? Well, for starters, the only two players who have really been worth the purchase were the ones made preseason in Miller and Maholm.

But, other than that, there's been $102 spent on six players who have not given managers much at all. The Michael Young buy looks worse and worse by the day. Could Wil Myers turn out to be a nice addition in the second half? Sure, but what if rostering a NA player for so long costs Bob a couple wins and eventual division title? Plus, I wouldn't be surprised if these managers second-guessed cutting these players because it's in the back of their minds that they spent a decent chunk of their budget on him.

And of course, on the other hand, there's certainly a case to be made that the prices are inflated because it's an intentional overbuy to make sure you land the guy you want. No arguments here, but the facts above don't lie, either.

FAAB stands for Free Agent Acquisition Budget, but it might as well be Forget About Any Buying!


  1. I look at it this way: all the major prospects are already in the player pool, so the only time you will be using your money is if someone that is struggling or hurt gets dropped and you think they have the potential to turn it around or you have a roster spot to stash them. In my case, I dropped 20 on Myers because he is the top prospect in baseball and will be called up in June to avoid Super 2 status. With Brett Anderson, he was only supposed to be out another week and was viewed in the preseason as the A's ace and a top 40 pitcher, so the 20 bucks was a no brainer. Unfortunately he reinjured his foot, so that probably won't work out. However, I don't regret using the money, because what else would I use it for? I also don't regret Myers because of the loads of the potential he has. Championships are won in September not in April and May, so I'll gladly hold his roster spot much like people did for Bryce Harper, Strasburg, and Braun back in the day.
