Tuesday, January 14, 2014

2014 winter meetings: Topics 1 and 2 - Max moves and Keeper trades

Topics 1 and 2 are repeat topics from the past.

Increase max moves per season by five, going from 50 to 55
REASON: More flexibility in-season, but not enough to overdo it. (If everyone used three moves per week in regular season, it’d be 66 moves).

This is an exact proposal from last year's meetings that was shot down. If it doesn't pass this year, it's off the table next year. Here is the link to last year's discussion and comments on the same topic.

Change needed: 66% of votes

Remove any loss of draft pick for keeper trades
REASON: Keepers are the best players in the league and the league is more exciting when it encourages teams to involve their best players without penalty.

The current rule is if you trade a keeper in-season, you: lose an 8th-round (11th overall) draft pick. If you trade a keeper off-season, you lose an 18th round (21st overall) draft pick.

This is an exact proposal from the 2012 meetings that was shot down. If it doesn't pass this year, it's off the table next year. Here is the link to the 2012 discussion and comments on the same topic.

Change needed: 51% of votes

Please feel free to discuss either of these two if you'd like. Again, since they've both been discussed before, your opinion may not have changed and may already be in one of the prior posts. We'll vote in a couple days.


  1. Ok well these are easy. I vote NO to both. I think we finally got the right number of moves per year and moves per week and that should be inflexible going forward. We are not making any changes to rosters or anything and we all know how this league operates. No need to change moves per year. Similarly, I like the element of losing a pick for trading a keeper. Keepers generally are the best players, but they also have the unique designation of being someone who has to be kept. They are held to a higher standard and there should be a premium for dealing one. I do not think we need to encourage anyone to trade keepers, there were a few trades last year both in-and off-season involving keepers, so I think that managers are okay with rolling the dice and taking a hit in order to better their team.

  2. I don't have much to comment, Chris hit the nail on the head for me.

  3. I agree on the draft picks - hopefully this is the last time we have to address this, as it seems we have a good middle ground. The last two years there have been enough keeper trades where teams aren't scared off by the draft pick loss.

    On the issue of max moves, I proposed this after seeing three of our playoff managers run out of moves and a fourth come very close. Just feel like an extra 5 won't affect stiffing (as we've put the original restrictions in place to do) and gives a little more of a leash than we have now to act on a hot free agent.

  4. But what happens next year when three of four hit the 55 move max, are we gonna have to vote on upping it to 60? At what point do we set the bar? To me, 50 seems like that solid number

  5. I agree on the max moves - and honestly didn't like it going up to 50...no reason you need to make 45 moves throughout an entire season if you're limited to 3 a week.

    I don't like the idea of punishing folks for trading keepers. The league is more fun when there's less restrictions on the most sought out players. I've never agreed with the draft pick punishment and I think it's made an impact overall on the league.

  6. Agree on the trade of draft picks with most of you, I'm ok with penalty. Although it probably won't pass, I'd be in favor of bumping up the moves and agree with Andy's argument. It's also to important to note that three a week would be 75 if you made the finals.

  7. I will comment briefly on the max moves/year. Mike, you asked at what point do we set the bar, the answer is above, 75 moves. Each year a manager or managers approach the max move amount. An argument is then made in the offseason that managers got close to the number and we need 5 more. I am sure I joined the boat in the past to get it here, but if we keep bumping it up 5 more, then yea people will keep going up a few more each year. Mike is right, we will just keep going until we hit 75 per year and the moves per week limit does not matter anymore.

  8. @Mike - your point is valid and well taken regarding where does it end.

    That said... my biggest thing with this is that we have the 3 moves per week in place to prevent overdoing the stiffing. So what exactly is the max moves per season in place for? It's to make you think twice about using all 3 moves per week because by season's end - either regular season or playoffs - you'd be toast come crucial times. So to that end, does 2.2 or 2.0 moves per week on average make that much of a difference?

  9. I think we are good. These topics should be layed to rest.

  10. I would be in favor of upping max moves to 55. I would argue that there are so many things that can happen during the course of a baseball season that would cause a manager to need to get creative and make moves on a weekly basis. I don't think a manager should be punished by things that are out of his control. I think part of the strategy is having the flexibility to add/drop on a weekly basis within reason. Obviously we have the weekly limit for a reason and I see no reason why there should be a prohibitive season limit as well.

    I also think that there should be NO penalty for trading keepers. I think the trade veto system we have in place now is efficient enough that we don't have to worry about anything shady happening with keeper trading. For those of you in my keeper football league, we've yet to run into an issue in the 3 years of keepers.

  11. Since I'm always late to the party, I don't have anything new to add that hasn't been mentioned before. In my opinion, the current limit of moves per season in sufficient. I'll assume there isn't away to reset them before the playoffs? Furthermore, the penalty of trading for keeper traders is fine as is.

  12. I think both existing rules bring important elements of strategy to our league that should not be changed.

    We're already at 50 max moves, which is >2 per week not including playoffs. I think we've reached a good number that's not too restrictive and not too loose. At this point, increasing max moves by 5 doesn't make the league better, it just dilutes that element of strategy a bit.

    Regarding keeper-related penalties, they need to stay intact to preserve the higher value we have placed on these players over others. The commitment we make when signing a keeper contract needs to have the penalty element attached to provide balance to that decision-making process.
