Wednesday, January 15, 2014

2014 Winter Meetings: Topic 3 - FAAB budget decrease

Topic 3 regards the FAAB budget system and how much (fake) money should be allocated to start the season.

Should the FAAB seasonal budget decrease from $100 to $75 (or even less?)
REASON: Having that big of a budget allowed teams to overbid excessively because they knew they’d never use the entire allotment.

We switched from waivers to FAAB bidding last season. Was $100 too much of a starting budget given that the only players who go on waivers are those who get cut? This proposed change offers up $75 as a new starting budget but gives leeway to even less money.

If there seems to be a big agreement on a number other than $75, that's fine as well.

Change needed: 66% of votes

Please feel free to discuss below if you'd like. We'll vote on this, along with Topics 1 and 2, on Thursday.


  1. I really do not remember much overbidding at all.... Seemed like there were a few high bids by a couple managers for a couple of players, but that is all I can recall. $100 seems fine. Managers know how bids work now, saw how they played out last year and I think everyone will be ready to maximize usage accordingly this year.

  2. With the way last year went, I don't expect anyone to come close to $100 again, or even $75. So I'd vote yes to lower this money.

    I can't remember how much I spent, but I went big just to make sure I got CJ Wilson, knowing it was highly unlikely of me making another bid like that to reach $100.

    So yes, I'm down with lowering it.

  3. 75 is fine for me - I'm with Mike on this one re: you didn't have to think twice about a high bid because there was only 1 or 2 instances you'd need to even use the FAAB.

  4. I'll go for $75. I didn't even spend a dollar last year so I'm fine with lowering the total funds.

  5. Two things:
    1. It doesn't matter how much the FAAB budget is because it's all relative. As long as we all start with the same amount, it could be $10, $100, or $1000--it doesn't matter because it's all fake money and has no real value--they're just "units."
    2. We should keep it at $100 since that's what we had last year. We just started trying this out so if we want it to be successful, we have to let managers get comfortable with the relative value of these "dollars." The only way to do that is to keep the budget the same for a few seasons.

  6. After reading Rick's response, I would have to agree. For example, I bid $5 on Shelby Miller before the season started. Going into this year, I would have to up the bid accordingly as a player like that will surely go for more then $5 based on how last year shook out. Very good point, Rick.

  7. Agree with everything above...and honestly could care less either way.
