Saturday, January 29, 2011

Offseason voting

Voting after the jump. You only get one vote per poll, so be sure you've correctly read the question and are picking the answer you want. I've linked up each question's discussion point and listed the amount of votes needed to pass.

Question: Should we raise the league fee to $75-$100? (TBD later if yes)
Votes needed to change: 9

Question: Should we add 1 more move per week, making it 4 per week?
Votes needed to change: 8

Question: Should we raise the total moves per year from 45 to 50?
Votes needed to change: 8

Question: Who should pay the last-place fee?
Votes needed to change: 7

Question: Should we add 1 more keeper per year, making it 4?
Votes needed to change: 8

Should we eliminate penalties for trading keepers?
Votes needed to change: 7

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